Welcome, March 2015 Batch!!
Front row: Elder Bruno, Elder Fairbank, Elder Sta. Maria, *Elder Jakosalem
Center row: Sister Colata, Sister John, Sister Arquiola, *Sister Marcos, Sister Jenkins, Sister Smith
Back row: Elder Gates. Elder Lucenta, Elder Apor, Elder Rivera, *Elder Estipona, Elder Eyler, Elder Davis
*These three missionaries are temporarily assigned to Urdaneta while they await their visas
Arrival day in the mission...
Elders and Sisters filled out papers for the mission office, then ate lunch from KFC
Elder Gates, Elder Eyler and Elder Davis helped wash and dry the utensils
After lunch and some training from President Monahan and the Assistants,
Sister Monahan drove the sisters to Villasis to work with the sisters in that area.
The next morning we met at the mission home for Orientation
We had Shakey's pizza for lunch
Then we drove to Villasis and the sisters had the opportunity to work in that area again.
The new elders worked in and around Urdaneta with elders from those areas.
Transfer Day--New Elders with their Trainers
The elders left for lunch before I could get individual pictures of their companionships.
The Trainers are sitting or standing behind the new missionaries.
New Sisters with their Trainers
Sister Jenkins and Sister Navarro Sister John and Sister Mamaia
Sister Colata and Sister Laulu Sister Paningbatan and Sister Smith
Sister Jimenez and Sister Marcos Sister Macahilig and Sister Arquiola
The trykes were loaded with luggage, and the sisters were ready to go to their new areas.